Hamilton is a play sweeping Manhattan into a frenzy, and a play to which I was originally dragged. I'm normally not a Broadway guy, and a musical about the founding fathers was not a rousing endorsement for a 16 year old kid. But as I sat watching, I was stunned at how much I loved it. The speed, the rapping and the story itself - I needed to find out more about Alexander Hamilton. I found the roughly 800 page biography by Ron Chernow that the show was based on in my parents' bookcase and set to reading. I read well over 100 pages in the first sitting! The story was incredible...a man who starts from nothing and writes his way to the top. The book coincided nicely with my AP US History class and hopefully gave me an edge in there as well. As I poured over the pages I became fascinated by this man who penned his way out of every situation, who put every fiber of his being into his writing and then used pages to secure his place in history. The show, the book and the founding father - all phenomenal.